Use BayEngage to run a focused campaign that integrates directly with Google Ads. This makes it simple to match your BayEngage audience with Google Ads in order to create a highly targeted audience for your campaign.
Our integration supports real-time syncing, which means that customer data will be automatically added to or removed from the audience whenever the segment or list is updated within BayEngage.
Step-by-step guide:
Login to the BayEngage app store with your credentials
Click on the ‘Apps’ at the bottom left corner to see the list of Apps integrated with BayEngage.
Go to the ‘explore Apps’ to see the apps that are to be installed, now search for ‘Google Ads’ and click install.
After installing, you will be redirected to the Google sign-up account page, where you can select from which account you want to sign up.
Note: You will be asked to select the account for sign-up only if you have more than one Google account
After selecting the account, BayEngage integrations will ask permission to access your Google account; click ‘allow’
Now, you will be taken to a Google Ads set-up dashboard to select your ‘Google Ads account’ from the drop-down option under the account name.
Note: The list of accounts available only matches the Google customer match policy. Please check if the accounts match the policy if the intended account is not found in the list.
After selecting the account, you now have to sync your BayEngage list/segment with a Google custom audience.
Choose a BayEngage ‘list/segment’ from the drop-down, then choose ‘Google Custom audience.’ You can select the pre-defined or create a new custom list from the dropdown menu and click save in the top right corner
Businesses can create multiple custom audiences and match them with one Google audience.
It takes 24 hours for the list to sync to Google because that particular audience list should have an authenticated Google account.
You are advised to sync the list that has a minimum of 100 audience.