Key benefits of this feature:
This feature helps you to collect reviews from your past orders
It helps you to connect with old customers who might show interest in product recommendations and buy new products
These emails can be sent for products purchased during a specific time frame. For example, if you enjoy extraordinary sale during Christmas weekend, it makes sense to request again to customers who purchased products during that time to write reviews. Because majority of sales happened during that period
It also helps you to request site reviews from your customers. This improves trust among the customers and increases brand recognition
How to Setup Targeted Review Request Email?
1. Log into TargetBay’s app store by entering the correct credentials.
(To access TargetBay’s app store
2. On the TargetBay dashboard, navigate to ‘Reviews & QA’ on the menu bar and select the ‘Features’ option from the drop-down.
3. Now, select the option “Targeted Review Emails” from the review tools available.
4. Under the option “Basic Settings,” toggle the radio button at the right-hand-side corner of the page to enable the Targeted Review Request emails.
5. Under setup, customise the following options “From Name,” “From Email,” “Reply-To,” “Email Preview Text,” and “Subject of the Email” if required and click on the option “Next.”
6. Under “Settings,” select the ‘Review Type’ and ‘User Type’ as required. The option “All Users” is to send a review request email to all customers who placed an order. Whereas, the option “Segmented Users” is to send an email to only the selected segmented user. We always recommend choosing the option “All Users” for review request emails.
7. Under “Send Email After,” select the type as required. The option “Shipment” will send a review request email after the order is shipped between the selected date duration.
8. Whereas, the option “Order Complete” will send a review request email after the order is placed on the website by the customer between the selected date duration.
9. Under “Bulk Purchase Settings:”
A maximum number of emails are the total number of emails to be sent for a bulk purchase.
The mail interval defines the time interval between emails.
Product reviewed has two options, ‘least reviewed product’ and ‘most expensive product.’ We recommended choosing the ‘least reviewed product.’ Now, click on “Next.”
10. Utilise the widgets available under the “General,” “Personalized,” and “Custom” tabs on the left-hand side of the page and design the review request email template. Each component of the widget is editable by a click on it.
11. On designing your template, you can use the options:
· Preview: To view a “Desktop” and “Mobile” preview of the email template.
· Send A Test Email: To test the email template by triggering a test email.
12. Once you are set, you can click on the option “Finish” to activate the review request email.