Most eCommerce customers are cost sensitive. So, “price drop” emails are welcomed and eagerly awaited. Automate price drop alerts mailers and don’t lose this valuable opportunity to improve your eCommerce conversion rate.
To setup Price Drop Alert Email —
Log into TargetBay's app store by entering the correct credentials. (To access TargetBay's app store
Navigate to the option "Emails" in the 'menu bar' of TargetBay dashboard and select the option "Automations" from the drop-down menu.
3. Now select the option "Create Trigger" on the right-hand side corner of the page.
4. Choose "Price Drop Alert" and click "Next" at the bottom-right corner of the page.
5. Assign a name for the email trigger; by default, it is "Price Drop."
6. Select "Send to all users" or "Send to segmented user" from the option displayed. Recommended choosing all users for Price Drop emails.
7. Choose the start and end date for the email trigger. Click "Next."
8. In Basic Details’ section, create a name for the workflow and select the user type. Select the date from which the Price Drop trigger should be sent to the customer. Also, choose the end date because it is not recommended to send price drop trigger repeatedly.
9. Select the condition by choosing the event as ‘Price Drop Alert’ or any other appropriate condition. Select the user profile, price drop percentage and mention the days since the customer was last engaged with the product.
10. Select a template for ‘Price Drop’ and choose ‘Save’, ‘Save & Close’ or ‘Publish’.
'Save’ option will save the workflow and remain in same screen.
‘Save & Close’ option will save the workflow and move to list page.
‘Publish’ option will publish the workflow and move to list page.
Note: On the list page, one can find the created email trigger.